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- September 14, 1999
- System Management Server Remote Installation Files for
- Diskeeper[R] 5.01 (Build 330)
- for Windows[R] 95/98 and Windows NT[R] 4.0
- For x86 and Compaq Alpha Platforms
- This text file provides information you should know about
- installing Diskeeper with Microsoft System Management Server (SMS).
- ==============================
- Diskeeper can be installed as a distributed installation
- from a Windows NT server using MicrosoftÆs System Management
- Server (SMS).
- Follow these steps to install Diskeeper using SMS:
- 1. Insert the Diskeeper distribution media into the
- appropriate drive on your computer. Using Windows NT
- Explorer, you will see these subdirectory folders:
- X86 - for the Intel PC platform (includes Pentium)
- Alpha - for the Compaq Alpha platform
- 2. Select the appropriate directory for the platform upon
- which you want to remotely install Diskeeper.
- 3. Copy the selected Diskeeper files into a directory that
- can be accessed by all the servers that will be
- distributing the Diskeeper package.
- 4. From the SMS Administrator, open the Packages window.
- Press CTRL+N to create a new package.
- 5. Click Import and import the Product Definition File,
- Diskeeper.pdf, from the appropriate Diskeeper source
- directory.
- 6. Click Workstations.
- 7. Click the ellipsis (...) button next to the Source
- Directory window.
- 8. Select the directory into which you copied the
- Diskeeper files and click OK.
- 9. Click Close, then click OK to create the package.
- 10. Drag the package to the target machine(s) in the Sites
- window of the SMS Administrator.
- 11. In the Job Details window, select Install as the
- Workstation command.
- 12. Click OK to close the Job Details window.
- 13. Optionally, enter any comments you want in the
- Comments dialog box.
- 14. Click OK to send the package to the target machine(s).
- ============================
- The Diskeeper SMS remote Installation Files include the
- InstallShield silent installation response file, SETUP.ISS.
- This file contains input expected by the installation
- procedure.
- The default responses sent to the installation procedure
- are suitable for most sites. However, you can modify the
- responses sent to the installation procedure by editing
- the SETUP.ISS file. The SETUP.ISS file can be edited
- with Notepad or the text editor of your choice.
- Two sections of the SETUP.ISS file that you may want to
- modify are the default installation location and the
- Frag Guard[R] defaults.
- ------------------------------------------
- By default, when using SMS, Diskeeper will install to
- \Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\DiskeeperWks or
- \Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\DiskeeperSvr
- (depending upon the version of Diskeeper you are installing).
- To install on a different volume or in a different directory,
- perform one of these two actions:
- o Share the directory where the Diskeeper installable
- files reside, then log into the target machine and
- run SETUP.EXE from the target machine as described
- in the Diskeeper documentation; or,
- o Edit the SETUP.ISS file and change the line
- szPath=C: \Program Files\Executive Software
- \Diskeeper\DiskeeperWks (or \Diskeeper Svr)
- to point to the volume and directory where
- you want to install Diskeeper.
- --------------------------------
- Contained within the SETUP.ISS file is the following
- section:
- [FragGuard_Settings-0]
- svPagefileEnable=Yes
- svMFTAllEnable=Yes
- svAutoReboot=No
- svAutoRebootNotify=Yes
- svAutoRebootConfirm=No
- svAutoBoot_When=everyday
- svAutoBoot_Between=" 1:00 am"
- svAutoBoot_And=" 3:00 am"
- svMFTFrags=10
- svPagefileFrags=3
- The following variables can be edited to change the
- default settings for Frag Guard:
- o svPagefileEnable=Yes
- This variable alternately enables or disables the
- Paging File Frag Guard feature. Yes enables, No
- disables the feature.
- o svMFTAllEnable=Yes
- This variable alternately enables or disables the
- MFT Frag Guard feature on all NTFS volumes. Yes
- enables, No disables the feature.
- o svAutoReboot=No
- This variable alternately enables or disables the
- Frag Guard Auto-Reboot feature. Yes enables, No
- disables the feature.
- o svAutoRebootNotify=Yes
- This variable alternately enables or disables
- notification prior to an automatic restart as part
- of the Frag Guard operation. Yes enables, No
- disables the notification.
- o svAutoRebootConfirm=No
- This variable alternately enables or disables
- confirmation prior to an automatic restart as part
- of the Frag Guard operation. Yes enables, No
- disables the confirmation.
- o svAutoBoot_When=everyday
- This variable sets the day(s) of the week when you
- will allow an automatic restart of your computer to
- occur. The accepted parameters are:
- Everyday Except Everyday
- Weekends Except Weekends
- Weekdays Except Weekdays
- Mondays Except Mondays
- Tuesdays Except Tuesdays
- Wednesdays Except Wednesdays
- Thursdays Except Thursdays
- Fridays Except Fridays
- Saturdays Except Saturdays
- Sundays Except Sundays
- o svAutoBoot_Between=" 1:00 am"
- This variable sets the starting time when you will allow
- an automatic restart of your computer to occur. Note
- that the quotation marks and spaces must be present as shown
- in the example above. The accepted parameters are:
- All Day
- 12:00 midnight through 11:00 pm, in one hour
- increments
- o svAutoBoot_And=" 3:00 am"
- This variable sets the ending time when you will allow
- an automatic restart of your computer to occur. Note
- that the quotation marks and spaces must be present as shown
- in the example above. The accepted parameters are:
- All Day
- 12:00 midnight through 11:00 pm, in one hour
- increments
- o svMFTFrags=3
- This variable sets the number of MFT fragments that will
- cause Frag Guard to automatically restart your computer.
- The accepted parameters are 2 through 32.
- o svPagefileFrags=10
- This variable sets the number of Paging File fragments
- that will cause Frag Guard to automatically restart your
- computer. The accepted parameters are 2 through 32.
- =====================
- The following is an example of the SETUP.ISS file:
- [InstallShield Silent]
- Version=v5.00.000
- File=Response File
- [File Transfer]
- OverwriteReadOnly=NoToAll
- [DlgOrder]
- Dlg0=SdWelcome-0
- Count=5
- Dlg1=AskDestPath-0
- Dlg2=SdSelectFolder-0
- Dlg3=FragGuard_Settings-0
- Dlg4=SdFinishReboot-0
- [SdWelcome-0]
- Result=1
- [AskDestPath-0]
- szPath=C:\Program Files\Executive Software\DiskeeperWks
- Result=1
- [SdSelectFolder-0]
- szFolder=.\Executive Software\DiskeeperWorkstation
- Result=1
- [Application]
- Name=DiskeeperNT4
- Version=CurrentVersion
- Company=Executive Software
- Lang=0009
- [FragGuard_Settings-0]
- svPagefileEnable=Yes
- svMFTAllEnable=Yes
- svAutoReboot=No
- svAutoRebootNotify=Yes
- svAutoRebootConfirm=No
- svAutoBoot_When=everyday
- svAutoBoot_Between=" 1:00 am"
- svAutoBoot_And=" 3:00 am"
- svMFTFrags=3
- svPagefileFrags=10
- [SdFinishReboot-0]
- Result=1
- BootOption=0
- (c) Copyright 1999 Executive Software International, Inc.
- All rights reserved.
- Diskeeper and Frag Guard are registered trademarks owned
- by Executive Software International, Inc.
- Microsoft, System Management Server, Windows and Windows NT
- are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by Microsoft
- Corporation.
- All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.